Saturday, November 22, 2008

Halloween and the Dog

Just catching you up on past life. We have been very crazy busy. So, last month, we trick or treated in a friend's neighborhood for Halloween and then attended a fabulous party the next evening. In our pictures, you see the dog. She is a mess, and she is ours. Obedience school, here we come. Everyone says that we should watch The Dog Whisperer. I would prefer if he would just come here and whisper to the dog. That would be much easier.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Mood Music

This morning, I asked Lydia to get her snack for school. She walked into the pantry and came out and said with a straight face, "Mom, can you sing this?" She hummed some classical tune. She said, "That is good music for when a chef comes out with all this food." She is seriously asking me to provide background music for her everyday life.

A few minutes later, she fell into the pool fully clothed. I had some good background music for when we were all late for school. It was a little Carmina Burana.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ryan spent his day looking like the above picture. Stores, friend's house...and he couldn't figure out why people kept looking at him. His friend then joined him in an equally powerful, warrior-like outfit.
The rat helped us to celebrate Ryan's birthday.

Ryan began the dressing as a pilot and Lydia thought he looked so great, that she joined him.

Friday, October 17, 2008

No Pictures

I keep not posting because I don't feel like loading the pictures. So, pictures will follow. We just had a very nice visit with Aunt Connie. Unfortunately, Ryan was still sick, I had residual cold, and Lydia had a two day 104 temp (that did come down with Motrin). Poor Aunt Connie. She took care of Lydia and Ryan at different times and fought the cold. We all enjoyed her very much, but I'm thinking no one will want to visit us because of the germ fest.

Ryan's birthday was fabulous at Chuck E. Cheese again. He was beginning the sickness at that point, sadly. We had a grand time and hopefully didn't infect any unsuspecting families.

After 7 trips to the Animal Shelter, we got a dog. She is very sweet. Lucky for me, happened to be potty trained. She weighs 43 pounds, which is a nice medium size. But, she has started chewing everything in sight. Alas. So far, it is mostly when we leave her and we leave her outside because we have a big yard, shaded area, and beautiful coastal So CA weather. We have only lost some outside toys that were a little weathered, but it is trouble. If she would only chew her bones and other treats instead of burying them, we would be much better off. Her name is Brindy and she is definitely an odd mix of something, but, once again, very sweet and good with the kids.

Lydia has a print ad for the Care N Cure Wild Animals on page 152 in the toy insider special advertising section of Redbook Magazine. We just happened to hear she was in it from another family. It is fun for us to see it.

I wish my mother a very happy birthday, today! Love you, Mom!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


I keep taking my camera to take pictures at the soccer games, but somehow I never take them. Ryan is very strong and hits a baseball amazingly, as well as a golf ball. He has a strong kick. Put him on the soccer field, and he is just frustrating to watch. He picks flowers, he races with the other boys (oblivious to the ball at all times), he chats with any child who will listen, he makes underarm noises, he plays in the mud, he slides on the grass, and flops on the goal. Yesterday, he accidentally kicked a ball because someone kicked it at his feet. He spent the next 5 minutes laughing about that with anyone who would listen on the field. I believe he is having a good time, but it is hard to watch. At other times on the field, he'd just run up to the boys on the other team yelling out the score of the game. During all of this, the other boys are actually playing soccer. He is just turning 5 this weekend, but Joel is pretty sure that soccer is not the game for Ryan. It is true that he is not very fleet of foot. I guess if you look at a picture of him from when he was a baby, you might have guessed that speedy may not be his nickname.

He has lost all of the rolls on those legs, but he is still thick, and his feet are as long as Lydia's, but much wider. When he hit a ball far out of our yard the other day, he said, " Mom, maybe you should put me in baseball." He is probably right. I thought that soccer would be good exercise.

Now Lydia is very fast. She is on the short side for her age, but is as fast or faster than those long legged girls. She is a natural defender and hangs back. When the ball comes anywhere near her goal, she chases it down and clears it. Any goals that have been made against her team have been when she has not been in the game. Her games are fun to watch, as she has good and fun team mates, too. You may say, Lydia is older and has been playing longer. When she was his age, she had the same qualities. Her skills have improved, but she has always been involved in the game.

Our Saturdays are filled with soccer because we have two games. We also have 2 practices apiece per week. I'm thinking that I should start playing for the exercise, too. That would be a fine idea to have practice for the adults at the same time as the kids. I'm usually so pooped by the late afternoon. Where do the kids get all the energy?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Peace Walk

We did a Walk for Peace and Friendship Festival with the Kids for Peace organization in Balboa Park on Sunday. It was really a wonderful event and truly peaceful and full of love. The kids really enjoyed it and are learning to be global citizens.

Peace out.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


This will be the short and succinct update.

End of summer at MN. Tons of fun. Glorious for the kids and me as well. Joel couldn't make it and we missed him, but did some tubing for him. Now, I tubed this year because the kids begged me too. I went with a young cousin who is a crazy tuber and went over and under that thing...thinking for sure my fall was a back breaker, but somehow I was just fine. The kids and I also knee boarded. It was great to see our MN family and I am grateful we have this yearly time to spend with them in such a beautiful spot.

Lydia had a 7th birthday pool party at our house. She had a Webkinz pool party. She printed out all of the games, refreshments, and activities from Crafty Critters on Webkinz World. Have I ever mentioned that I am not crafty? We drew and crafted and cooked to a grand successful party. I was up late creating this mess of a cake, but the kids loved it.

First day of school was great. Ryan entered the Kindergarten classroom. That alone was remarkable (that I didn't drag him in kicking and screaming). The kids like school and everyone is healthy and happy.

When picking out 1st day of school outfits, Lydia rejected many because they didn't make her look smart. Apparently, that is the smart outfit.

Ryan still says "f" for "th". He has had a couple of funnies with that. One was during soccer camp. I had heard he was not well behaved during the first day at camp, so I talked to him quite a bit about it, and was also in close contact with his coach to make sure he did better. This was an Irish run soccer camp and on the last day, the parents were invited to play games with the kids. The coach was yelling directions to us with his great accent and said, "Now, run around the ball t'ree times!" T'ree for three. Ryan looked at me and said, "He means free. See, that's why I can't follow directions. I don't understand a word he says."

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Gustav Update

My parents are back at the house. They had 7 feet of water in their yard, but no damage. Electricity went back on today around 2:30. Not bad for a hurricane.

Monday, September 01, 2008


My parents have weathered another hurricane. They went to a home of friends of the family about 30 minutes north of Gulfport. They were fine there and will find out tomorrow if there was much damage to the yard. This hurricane went ashore further west and was nothing like Katrina with her 23 foot storm surge in my parents' area. We were all a little worried because they just got back into their home in June, but, "Phew!"

I'm sure many on the Gulf Coast are breathing a sigh of relief, and were having flashbacks to Katrina. I still think of my parents and Marie and Abigail driving around during the hurricane in my dad's F350 trying to find a way through and escape rising water. They were out in it twice having to change houses two times because of the water. They ended up in a house on cinder blocks that my mom was sure was going to float away. Thank goodness Gustav did not pack the wallop of that Katrina. I'll update if they sustained any damage to the house, but everyone is OK. Linda and Heimana stayed at her house, which was fine during Katrina, so they were fine as well.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Boston Strangler: The Untold Story

This is not my typical fare, but I have good reason for enjoying this movie which is now out on DVD. Joel has a song that he composed and recorded with DC musicians in 2002 in the movie. The entire song, except for the intro, is in the movie. It is a little difficult to enjoy the song, because it is during a strangling, but it is perfect music for the scene. Andres Boulton did the movie underscoring, but this is a featured song that he wanted to subcontract. He and the director talk about it in the commentary. The commentary was especially fun to listen to. The movie is very well done, even though it is a lower budget movie (1.5 million). David Faustino (aka Bud Bundy) is really good in it. So, watch the movie...try to ignore the bad acting of a couple of female victims with bad accents, and enjoy what Joel's song adds to the scene beginning: January 4, 1964. It is about 1/3 of the way through and the song is supposed to be on the radio or record player in the background during this strangling. If you would really like to enjoy the music, you can close your eyes like I did.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Little Miss Mattel

Lydia shot a Mattel commercial last week. After many Mattel callbacks for other items, and two callbacks for this spot, we were very excited for her to get the commercial. It is for a new toy called the Cure and Care Endangered Animal. There will be a panda, spotted leopard and polar bear. Lydia's commercial was for the panda and spotted leopard. It is a jungle scene and with one other girl. There is also an arctic commercial they shot the day before with two other girls.

Lydia had a fitting the day before and then waited until 5:00 pm for our call time for the next day. Because they didn't finish the commercial from the day before, our call time was 10:00 am. We had been holding off deciding if we were going to spend the night in LA or not, but then gave up around 3 pm and got a hotel room. Joel is a Priceline King and got a very nice room at the Airport Hilton for $89. The other family with the little girl in the commercial paid $149 for a La Quinta sort of place. Ryan stayed with Tony and Marguerite and continued at soccer camp.

Although the general rule is for one parent to attend, Joel and I both went. Both of the parents of the other girl were there, too. I think production was a little surprised, but they accommodated all of us. There is a fine line between keeping parents happy, yet out of the way. During shooting we were behind a black screen where the kids couldn't see us, but we could watch on monitors. I did stand in another area where I could see her live at one point, but was soon directed to my chair. They did 5 different shots. and we were there 10 am-7 pm. That is a very long day for kids. They had lots of breaks, but had to be very focused during shooting. The girls were amazing. The director would say things like "be natural" to them after the 10th take and I would think they had no idea what that meant, but sure enough, then they would be natural. They were so great that you would forget they were acting as they played so nicely and smiley with their animals, but then the director would say "Cut" and both girls would collapse.

There was one shot where Lydia had to pretend to give an injection with a play syringe using her left hand. It was a little difficult for her because she is right handed and had to also do it all one handed with the other girl holding the leopard. In the commercial, you will only see the other girl's face during that shot, because Lydia had a great look of concentration on her face and her tongue hanging out. But there will be her beautiful left hand giving the injection perfectly. I was very proud of her.

It is also a little difficult having to watch her work and not be able to say anything. The director would direct the girls to do something and I would know they had no clue what he said. He would figure it out a few takes later, but it was painful to watch. Another time, the whole crew was waiting for Lydia to say, "Ready," but she didn't really get that she had to say it out loud, so we just sat and waited and waited with me muzzled wanting to scream, "Lydia, say ready!" Another time, they had all of these toy accessories in front of the animals and told the girls not to touch them. The other girl couldn't keep her hands off of them, and they kept telling her to put them back. Lydia was being great, keeping her hands to herself. Right before they started shooting, no one was looking and Lydia grabbed a big green bandaid and put it on her panda. I was, of course, the only one who noticed this. They started shooting and a few minutes later..."Cut! Did someone want the bandaid on the bear?" There was much discussion between production while Lydia was sweetly quiet and then someone came and removed the bandaid. Painful.

All in all, though, she really amazed me. She is such a little pro and follows direction surprisingly well. The girls had to do a variety of things with their animals ("playing" with them) looking natural, all the while keeping the animals facing front and not covering their faces. A friend of mine asked me why they don't just put the kids in an area with the toy and film them playing with the toy for the commercial. One of the many reasons is that when a child naturally plays with a toy, you don't generally see the toy itself.

We met the design team who take the toy from conception to the shelves. They were even a part of selecting the girls for the commercial. They were very interesting to talk to. The girls also had stand-ins there (other 6 year olds the same height and coloring) which was a little surreal. The whole experience was a lot of fun. Joel left early to go to work, so he missed a bit. Lydia was very tired by the end of the day. I was also beat from the stress of watching her!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dancing with the Stars

Check out the new show HERE at the Followspot! Too many favorites to choose one.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Harriet the Spy

Today would be my sister Gail's 48th birthday. Wow. In honor of Gail, I will review one of her favorite childhood books, Harriet the Spy. Lydia and I read Harriet a few months ago. I remember loving it as a child, but as I read it as an adult I realized what a different child Harriet is. She is a girl walking her own path who never really seems to fit in. She is true to her self and has strong opinions that she finds release by writing about them. It is a great book for today's youth (even though I occasionally thought Harriet might be unbalanced) because it is about a girl who loves herself as she is who learns through the story's events to be a bit more compassionate toward others. She is bold, funny, smart and quirky. These were qualities my sister had as well, and I can understand why she loved this book. Gail even went through a period where she looked like Harriet. Whenever I see this book, I think of her. Lydia can't wait to read the next one.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Get Smart

Joel has a role in Get Smart...that didn't get into the movie. He went to the Premiere which was quite the event he reported. He was the Obstacle Course Instructor. That part was shot during a day that the fires were next to Warner Bros. studios. Our car even got bubbled paint on the door before crew came and took everyone's keys to move the cars. That film was probably very smoky and in the movie they only show a few closer shots of Steve in his fat suit on the course. Joel also is a Control Room Analyst, but no lines made it into the movie, although you can see him in shots. I am hoping that these bits will be in the deleted scenes on the DVD. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I was a huge Get Smart TV fan. Can't wait!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lovin' Summer

We have been keeping too busy still, but summer is great. Next week, more relaxing and fewer appointments. I have no pictures, but you can check out the new Kids for Peace link that shows our recent trip to the beach for cleanup, fun, and eco tips. Lydia actually stood up on a small wave on a surfboard. I'm the bad mom without a camera. As a matter of fact, my kids didn't even have shoes because they hopped in the car without them and I didn't think to check. The sun has been shining so hot here, that was a bit of a painful walk to the beach from the car. Why do I think my kids won't remember that as a lesson? More of a lesson for the mom...check for the shoes.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Civil Rights Victory

Yea to the state of CA for providing equal rights to its citizens as couples of the same sex may marry beginning Tuesday, June 16. The people of CA need to support this state Supreme Court ruling and uphold it in November elections.

Monday, June 09, 2008


Following is a picture from the 1st Grade trip to Sea World. Kids are funny. Most were more interested in the photo booths and machine that flattens your penny than the amazing animals. "Yeah, yeah, I saw the killer whale." They did enjoy the bat rays and sea stars that you could touch.

When I asked Ryan to stop whining this morning, he said, "But mom, this is how kids talk when they are crying." Yup, it is. No more crying allowed.

It is the end of the school year and things are crazy at work and with numerous end of the year activities for the kids. I might break down. I keep telling myself that there is only one more week. I repeat, one more week.

Here is a photo of Lydia and her friend Nicole opening up the school's talent show with "Right Here in Your Arms" from Barbie as Island Princess. It was very sweet. They sang a capella and were right on.

We had a lovely visit with Aunt Martha and Uncle Phil this weekend. They are now traveling cross country back to VA. I would love to do the trip...without kids. I remember those trips when I was a kid. Painful. I suppose if you are not traveling with my 2 minute pit stop if you have to throw up do it now Dad, it could be better! I am considering driving to MN this summer, though. Weighing the cost of gas, hotels, kids trapped in the car and absurd airfare.

Phil and kids in disguise. That moustache was on the back of Ryan's pajamas when he woke up the next morning. I was sure it was a horrible bug.

All I have time for now. More when we are out of school. YEA! Out of school!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Kids for Peace

The kids and I have joined an organization called Kids for Peace. It is good to be part of this outreach group and helping to teach the kids that they can make a difference. They had a performance for a fundraiser for another organization at a Dinner Club in La Jolla a few weeks ago. We were kind of new to the group and still meeting people, but Lydia and Ryan took part. Lydia, the little pro, had a couple of lines and the song memorized. Ryan, on the other hand, was just excited to be there. Very excited. As they were going inside to head up on stage for the Kids for PEACE show, he pulled his little pretend guns (finger and thumb always handy) from his pockets and started loudly shooting his friends. "Pow! Pow!" I am a few people away from him and trying to grab him before he goes on stage with a Kids for Peace shootout in front of a large audience. I finally get to him and explain that he can't do that. He is saying, "Mom, it's just pretend." He agrees to stop, so I allow him on stage where he punctuates everyone else's lines with karate chops and pulls on Lydia's arms to entertain himself. She spends much time with a frozen smile trying to shake him off. I was too horrified to take pictures. All in all the show was very cute, the audience enjoyed it, and there is nothing better than hearing kids talk and sing about creating positive change in the world beginning with themselves. Maybe some will rub off on my gunslinging boy.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

First Grade Play

Time for the first grade play again! This year Lydia was a narrator and a sea monster with her class. She was fabulous, of course. It was a big production again with 130 kids and incredible costumes. The Big Splash was a great sea adventure about how to be a good friend.

Ryan has been enjoying dressing up lately, too. Daily, he works his way through costumes. He is a Power Ranger, Superman, Spiderman, or a pirate depending on his mood. He dresses up more than Lydia ever did. Funny.

For those of you who know about the crazy CA teacher credentialing process I have been going through the past eight years, I have finally cleared my general education and special education credentials. My portfolios are submitted and I'm just waiting to receive papers from the state. Phew! It has been tiresome, and I'm incredibly relieved to have it over.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Lydia has been studying the ocean in school and when we were in the book store chose "Shark Attacks" for her book. She read the book and has been giving me all sorts of info like don't urinate in the water because sharks are attracted to it. All along, I've been assuring her that she didn't have to worry about sharks while swimming here at our beach. Now, our beach is closed because a great white (probably) killed a man nearby. Never get too comfortable with the ocean, I guess.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


What are ranunculus you might ask? Well, these are Tecolote® Giant Ranunculus and the largest growing field for them in the US is here in Carlsbad, CA. My mom, dad, Ryan and I visited the fields a couple of weeks ago and had a fabulous time. Each seed is planted by hand and there are 50 acres of them. They are really beautiful and I look forward to them every spring. We had a great time with my parents when they visited.

See the old fashioned tractor pulled wagon ride we are on? When I was teaching in 2000, I took my class of 12 kids with more severe disabilities to the Flower Fields and we took a wagon ride. While going down a very big long hill, the tractor popped out of gear and we were "runaway" for what seemed like an eternity. The driver was able to get us back into gear and slowed down, but not before I was sure we were goners. Luckily the kids didn't really know what had happened, and were all safe. You would think I wouldn't still recommend it to the family, but I love a good thrill. This year they accidentally didn't put a ramp up, so we rammed into the loading dock. It was very loud and jolting. When we were coming back to the dock, Ryan asked if we were going to crash again. For a little excitement, take the wagon ride!

*This post is in response to Krissy!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Future

Ryan: Mom, What's the future.

Mom: Well, it's what is going to happen tomorrow or next year.

Ryan: Can we go to the future?

Mom: No, we can't go to the future.

Ryan: Won't tomorrow be the future?

Mom (starting to think she is out of her league): The future is always what hasn't happened yet.

Ryan: You said tomorrow is the future. I'll be there tomorrow.

Mom: When tomorrow is happening, it won't be the future anymore. The future is what is to come.

Ryan: So, next year is the future?

Mom: Yes.

Ryan: I'll be in the future next year. The Bionicles live in the future.

Mom gives up.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Joel and I went to Phoenix Entertainment's production of Gypsy on Saturday night in lovely Escondido, CA. It was a lot of fun! I've always loved Gypsy because it was one of the first shows I was in. I played Baby Louise, and then, when I was a Junior in High School, I played Dainty June with the Mclean Community Theater. I started singing "You Gotta Have a Gimmick" at age 6, and have been perfecting it since. I think I learned to play trumpet in the 6th grade to fulfill my dream of being Mazeppa. Anyway, back to the production at hand...It was great. We had excellent seats, the show was well cast and performed, sets and costumes were good, and it made for a wonderful evening out. I have to say, the strippers are still my favorite. Also, Jeffery, who played multiple roles well, did a turn as a Newsboy believably. Who knew he could still play 18? Dancing and choreography were well done. I give it two thumbs up. Thank you to Mark and Jeffery for the evening of entertainment!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Wow, how did January go so quickly without a post from me? Everyone is watching the Superbowl right now, so I have a minute. We said a sad goodbye to cousin Karen who moved back to VA with a great new job. Chris and puppies are soon to follow. We will miss them here on the west coast.
Family is fine. We wish the writer's strike would end. We have been having to wear socks for the last month. Now that is cold. Lydia is losing teeth and looking cute but snaggly. She got a great report card full of excellents. Ryan growls at us when he is mad, or sometimes if we just look at him. We are still hanging on to the hope that he is normal. No matter what, he is fun!