Monday, September 01, 2008


My parents have weathered another hurricane. They went to a home of friends of the family about 30 minutes north of Gulfport. They were fine there and will find out tomorrow if there was much damage to the yard. This hurricane went ashore further west and was nothing like Katrina with her 23 foot storm surge in my parents' area. We were all a little worried because they just got back into their home in June, but, "Phew!"

I'm sure many on the Gulf Coast are breathing a sigh of relief, and were having flashbacks to Katrina. I still think of my parents and Marie and Abigail driving around during the hurricane in my dad's F350 trying to find a way through and escape rising water. They were out in it twice having to change houses two times because of the water. They ended up in a house on cinder blocks that my mom was sure was going to float away. Thank goodness Gustav did not pack the wallop of that Katrina. I'll update if they sustained any damage to the house, but everyone is OK. Linda and Heimana stayed at her house, which was fine during Katrina, so they were fine as well.

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