Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Future

Ryan: Mom, What's the future.

Mom: Well, it's what is going to happen tomorrow or next year.

Ryan: Can we go to the future?

Mom: No, we can't go to the future.

Ryan: Won't tomorrow be the future?

Mom (starting to think she is out of her league): The future is always what hasn't happened yet.

Ryan: You said tomorrow is the future. I'll be there tomorrow.

Mom: When tomorrow is happening, it won't be the future anymore. The future is what is to come.

Ryan: So, next year is the future?

Mom: Yes.

Ryan: I'll be in the future next year. The Bionicles live in the future.

Mom gives up.

1 comment:

Krissy Doyle said...

Wow! What a great conversation! Are you guys at a grower farm in this picture? If so, which one? I ask because I work for the Society of American Florists. Thanks.