Monday, March 30, 2009

That darn dog!

Our dog thinks she owns the back yard. She chews absolutely anything that is left out there...and I mean anything. Door mat, lawn chairs...anything. It is ironic that the bones we give her to chew on are quickly buried. She also keeps digging holes under the fence. She has become an escape artist. Any tips, especially on the escape artist issue? I really don't want to crate her while we are gone, but it isn't looking good.


Jim Lawson said...

My folks had the same problem about escaping. Their three Bichon Frise's kept escaping so they had to get an electric invisible fence. Shocking, isn't it?

Jill Ruemke Schmidt said...

I might have to look into that. It would probably be better looking than the big rocks and cinder blocks I've been stuffing in holes.

Krissy Doyle said...

I heard that the electric fences work well too. However, the Dog Whisperer will probably ask, "Are you walking the dog alot"? We had a similar problem and Kevin started walking the dogs onces in the morning and once in the evening and that really seems to settle them down. They baby doesn't dig in the back yard anymore. Also, how long is she in the back yard? She just might not like it out there. They say that dogs would much rather be with their owners. Maybe she feels left out. This is just things I have heard from the Dog Whisperer. I'm not an expert! :) Good luck Jill!

ted said...

i hear that putting the dog's poop in the hole works better than rocks and cinder blocks. we have an electric fence. it doesn't work on some dogs, like our great pyrenese/golden mix and our yellow lab. we're going to buy a gps collar for our great pyernese/golden so we can at least track him.

Jill Ruemke Schmidt said...

Thanks for the advice. I'm worried the electric fence won't work with her, as she scaled the fence yesterday over the top. She loves romping around out beyond the fence and leaps like a gazelle, although her contained yard is pretty big, too. She is out back 8-1:30, because I have to work sometime. But it is true that we have had more issues when we have been gone during times when we are normally home. Hmmm. She could definitely use more walks. So could her owner. Poop in the holes sounds good. She poops in two places and won't follow her ball into it. Poop decorating might be smellier but more attractive than cinder blocks.