Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Brindy is forced to play pirates with Ryan.

The kids were sobbing in the other room. I went to check on them and they were loudly bawling, but not injured, thank goodness. I asked them what was wrong. They are watching Air Bud, and apparently it is very sad. I can't convince them that it will be OK and couldn't calm them down with hugs, but they wanted to keep watching, so I left them sobbing. Who knew Air Bud was a tear jerker?

Ryan came home very excited today saying, "Mom, guess what I learned in school today?"
I, the ever proud mom, said, " What, Ryan?"
He said, "I can burp anytime I want now, even when I don't really have to!" It's good to learn some useful skills in school.


Antonio said...

That made me lol here at work.

Jill, you're a teacher. How did you not know that burping on command was part of the curriculum?

Jim Lawson said...

Get ready for the burping alphabet

Krissy Doyle said...

I'm keeping my mouth shut! I have no room to talk.

Joni said...

That same think happened to Addy with Air Bud -tears everywhere! The only thing worse was the Shirley Temple version of Heidi. "Graaaandfatheeer..(sobbing)..GRAAAAANNDFAAAATHEEER!!"