Saturday, September 01, 2007

My Very Original List of 9 Things I Love

1. Family...All of them!

2. Summer

3. Children in general...all of them most of the time.

4. The water...lakes, ocean, pools. Everything but swamps.

5. Eating out. So nice. No cooking or cleaning up, no disaster on the floor from Ryan...or at least no disaster on my floor.

6. Finishing a project. As a procrastinator, this usually happens around midnight. It is such a relief.

7. Water skiing. I'm getting worse and worse as I get older, but I still love it.

8. Reading. I can get lost in a book. I'd like to have a quiet week where I could just read anytime I wanted. I used to love plane flights because it was uninterrupted reading time. Then I had kids. Did I ever blog about the time that Ryan kept throwing everything I gave him (toy, food, book) at the angry man in front of us who then decided to keep the toy as punishment? Nightmare flight for all. No reading.

9. Games. I love a good game. I'm pretty competitive, but can contain my competitiveness as an adult. If you ever saw Monica on Friends during a game...that is really what I'm holding in.


Antonio said...

Number 6. Boy, can I relate to that.

Jim Lawson said...

Here's my thoughts on number 6

Jim Lawson said...

I'll tell you later

Antonio said...

That Jim is highlarious!

Jill Ruemke Schmidt said...

Very, very funny! And thanks for commenting. I sure do love a comment!