Sarah kindly entertained Ryan and Lydia for most of the time we were there. Note the marble game that Ben also helped with. That is a long marble track. The Cox kids are a good looking and enjoyable crew. Eric is in his freshman year at USC. How time flies.
The food was delicious, and there was a lot of it. Joel made his tasty sweet potato dish and I made an undercooked pumpkin pie (the two I left at home were perfect, but I chose the undercooked one to take) and a good pecan/chocolate pie that the crust stuck to the bottom of the pan. Lydia helped me with the pies, so we had fun even if they weren't perfect. Sue made a number of delicious items including brussel sprouts that even I liked. Her turkey was also wonderful. She made a pumpkin pecan pie that I loved, too.
Joel and Ben talked about the Redskins
and Joel played the piano a bit.
Thank you very much to our fabulous cousins for hosting us! Lydia and Ryan didn't break anything or hurt anyone, so that was one more thing to be thankful for.
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