We did have a marvelous Halloween here. Ryan was really into it. I only wish people would hand him the candy, though, instead of giving him carte blanche to take handfuls. I know they didn't think that he would take HUGE handfuls, but he did. I would try to catch him and really worked on him only taking one, but just when I was successful, the next person would say, "Only one? Oh, you can take more than that!" So two handfuls later, we would be on our way. By the end of our evening, Ryan was leaving a trail of candy behind him from his overflowing bucket with me trying to clean it up...at least the chocolate bars. Lydia would have trick or treated late into the evening. She wanted to go to every home in the neighborhood.

We got around 5 trick or treaters at our house which is an all-time high. Joel bought Skittles and Now-or-Laters and we have lots left over. Not a fan of the fruity candy. I should be happy he didn't buy candy bars, because I would eat all of those. This candy will last forever!

In my school district, we can only have 2 parties a year that involve any sweet foods, chips, or other non-nutritious foods. Otherwise, we are not allowed to give out any junk at all...ever! We have a list of approved foods. I gave the kids apple juice on Halloween and had other teachers asking me if that was allowed?! Don't let anyone catch you handing out a fig newton.
Some of the kids I teach did not trick or treat because they did not have a costume. I didn't realize that they weren't going to be able to put any sort of costume together until after Halloween or I would have provided something. It is hard, because I need a translator to talk to their parents and I don't know if they would have gone out even if they did have a costume. I need to learn Spanish.
But...Halloween can be an awful lot of fun when you have young kids. So many things are magical.
Jill-Your kids are SO cute! Great Halloween photos. Hank dressed as a baseball this year to give out candy!
Beautiful children!!!
Thank you Mark and Lori!
I think Mark needs to post an update Halloween picture of your adorable son on the Follow Spot for all to enjoy.
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