This will be the short and succinct update.
End of summer at MN. Tons of fun. Glorious for the kids and me as well. Joel couldn't make it and we missed him, but did some tubing for him. Now, I tubed this year because the kids begged me too. I went with a young cousin who is a crazy tuber and went over and under that thing...thinking for sure my fall was a back breaker, but somehow I was just fine. The kids and I also knee boarded. It was great to see our MN family and I am grateful we have this yearly time to spend with them in such a beautiful spot.

Lydia had a 7th birthday pool party at our house. She had a Webkinz pool party. She printed out all of the games, refreshments, and activities from Crafty Critters on Webkinz World. Have I ever mentioned that I am not crafty? We drew and crafted and cooked to a grand successful party. I was up late creating this mess of a cake, but the kids loved it.

First day of school was great. Ryan entered the Kindergarten classroom. That alone was remarkable (that I didn't drag him in kicking and screaming). The kids like school and everyone is healthy and happy.

When picking out 1st day of school outfits, Lydia rejected many because they didn't make her look smart. Apparently, that is the smart outfit.
Ryan still says "f" for "th". He has had a couple of funnies with that. One was during soccer camp. I had heard he was not well behaved during the first day at camp, so I talked to him quite a bit about it, and was also in close contact with his coach to make sure he did better. This was an Irish run soccer camp and on the last day, the parents were invited to play games with the kids. The coach was yelling directions to us with his great accent and said, "Now, run around the ball t'ree times!" T'ree for three. Ryan looked at me and said, "He means free. See, that's why I can't follow directions. I don't understand a word he says."
Too cute! The cake is precious!
Jill, that little Ryan is a crack up. And how funny is wanting to wear an outfit that makes you look smart when you are 7! So cute!
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