The elves were very busy working in Samtas Wroksop, and were a little wild throughout this season.

Ryan received many a Thomas train and tracks AND a train table from the Grandmas and Grandpas. He was very excited, especially about having a bridge...for whatever reason he had been longing for a bridge.

The visit to Santa showed a very, overly loving Lydia and Ryan. Lydia had pushed Ryan over right before we left the house. Against my normal judgement, I used the old "Santa sees everything, and we are headed to see him right now." Ryan was then driven crazy by all of the hugs and kisses from Lydia. We had a good visit. Lydia wrote letters from her and from Ryan that we delivered.

Lastly, is a picture of a sunrise from my backyard that my Mom took. Whatever were we doing taking pictures of a sunrise? Craziness. It was so nice to have my Mom here to really begin the holiday season.

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