You may have heard about some of the fires we are having here in CA. We do have some every year, but it is particularly horrible when there are deaths as there have been in this fire set by an arsonist. 3 firefighters and one person trying to evacuate too late lost their lives. The fires are out by Palm Springs and in Riverside, CA right now.
Last night, while watching the news, we saw they were broadcasting about the fires from Beaumont, CA. That is where my brother Ron is living right now. So, I called him.

"Hi, Ron."
"How are you doing?"
"Aren't the fires out near your house."
Nonchalantly, "Naw, It's OK."
"But, aren't they right by you?"
"We're fine."
"But, I saw them broadcasting from your town."
"Oh, yeah...(still extremely casually) I did get a picture from my front yard this morning."

Let's hope they get these fires under control. We did have a day of ash and horrible smoke all the way out here in Carlsbad.
If it isn't one thing to worry about , its another. Here is hoping that they stay clear of you and your family - I am sure they will!!!
Not that this is anything like having wild fires next to your brother's house, but I remember driving through Florida during the wild fires in '98. I remember how freaky it was that we were driving right next to acres of fields on fire. I couldn't imagine looking out my window at home and seeing flames.
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