Yahoo!! I can post pictures again! We had a soccer game today. Last week Lydia scored all of the goals in her 3 person group. She was under the weather today with a cold, and so did not score. She instead walked around with her hands on her hips and huffed and puffed because the other team kept scoring. Of course, after she put on her soccer costume and I gave her snacks at intermission, I told her to have a good second act. I really did, and then hoped none of the other parents heard me, but I did yell it out to her as she ran on the field. The games are funny and Ryan suits up for them, too. He has to watch in his shin guards and cleats. At least I can keep him off the field now. Tony and Marguerite got him a little chair to sit in, and that really helped today.
I might also mention that her team name is the "Princess Pirates" which is quite intimidating. They were playing the "Teal Dolphins"...not blue or green, but Teal.
Linda and I worked on recovering the dining room chairs. I was just the muscle, Linda the brains. Good thing she didn't need much muscle. We are almost done and they look nice. No picture, because I thought I still couldn't post them. Picture later!
Ryan has not had an accident at school since the very first day. Things are going well, except the teacher doesn't like his Crocs. She thinks he fall a lot in them. Little does she know, he falls a lot in everything. I put different shoes on him to make her happy, but we only have two other pairs and the ones most like tennis shoes, he won't keep on. Finding EEE's is not easy.
Work is fine, but I have a lot to do. I am supposed to be doing school work for the class I am taking at this moment, and I have a beginning teacher program I have to do also. It is also a lot of work.
Ahhh! I can now procrastinate again by taking pictures and posting them on my blog. Life is good.

I love your little Aryan chidlren, Jill! They are adorable.
--Clara Barton Green
Clara! So good to hear from you, and thanks.
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