It was the big recital day! This was Lydia's second recital, so she was an old pro. Only one number this year, because we only took one class. It was Animal Crackers, and all the girls in her dance had a different animal costume. Lydia was a monkey, which was appropriate. They said to do HEAVY makeup which seems funny for the age, but Lydia loved it, of course.

Her friend Sydney had the funniest lion costume that we all thought was a bird at first. It was full of feathers.

Lydia sang and danced the recital beautifully. She did perform quite a bit of it to her friend next to her, but they had a great time. It was all at Escondido Center for Performing Arts. It is a huge venue. One poor little girl in Lydia's group went running off stage, but all else was great.
There was a lot of Hip Hop that I liked! The music was kind of loud, or I'm getting old. The Hip Hop choreography was the best. It is Lydia's teacher's strength. They did Chim Chiminey from Mary Poppins, and it was just about the worst choreography in the show. They needed Mark Minnick! I'm sure it is more difficult when you want to spotlight everyone, and I bet Colleen was feeling a little tired with 40 numbers to choreograph. Kudos to all the girls 3-18 for a sweet (3 hour) well done recital.

Uniform polka dots were a dalmation! Sidney full of feathers is a lion.
I loved those pictures!! How adorable is Lydia. Oh my gosh. Just like Grandma said my favorite picture is the last one of them walking away. So cute. I love your blog!!!
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