Remember learning how to ride a two wheeler? Well, we had an exciting day here yesterday
when we took the training wheels off of Lydia's bike. She is off and riding. She still needs a little help on starting. I forgot how hard it was to get the pedals just right in order to start. Turning also causes a problem...but we'll work on that another day.

I did have a sad Mom moment where I was videotaping her, and she got into trouble. Because I was taping, I couldn't help, so instead just taped the crash. She had skinned knees, but after a break, she is back riding. You can note that Ryan is a nice obstacle for her to try to avoid.

1 comment:
Jill - I like your blog - Here I am the blog guy who never thinks to click on peoples names who comment - I saw the pics of yoru family - lovely. AND I saw Ben and the twins all grown up - OH MY GOD - where does time go? They grow up but we still look the same - please give them my best, I always liked teasing the twins - they look so pretty!!!!!
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