Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ryan and the Talent Show

I believe Ryan is our new Simon Cowell. I was watching the talent show auditions with him, and he couldn't help but comment on every number. At first he was loud, and I quickly shushed him and asked him to only say nice things or nothing at all. He couldn't help himself, though, and whispered (thank god) the rest of the comments in my ear. Comments included: That was awful! Way too long. Oh boy, she can't sing. Whoa, what are they doing? He did have nice things to say too, such as: Wow, they can hula hoop and I liked that.

Funny thing, is he was so right with all of them. He doesn't watch American Idol, or any other shows with us where we make comments like this. It is his own thing. I must channel it, or help him to know when it may be appropriate to say these the privacy of your own home!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

But Wait, There are More!

The Barbie commercial where the hardest thing she did was give the panda a shot one handed with her left hand


the aquarium commercial where she had so much fun and kept telling producers, "I'd do this for free!" She would really do them all for free because she has a great time. Her parents would probably not drive her around kingdom come for free. College fund!

Now Ryan, he is a boy about having fun on his own terms. If his friends are doing it and it looks OK, then he is in. Otherwise, he is not so sure. He watches, and then decides if he will do it or not. Not so great for auditions, but he is more cautious then Lydia, which is a trait I truly appreciate!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Commercial Link

Here is a link to Lydia's Sempra Energy commercial. There is a picture of Lydia on the homepage. Scroll over the pane with the little girl's eye bottom center and click on the Everyday campaign link , and then on the TV to watch the commercial. They played it during American Idol here in San Diego last week. It was fun to see!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Breaking news - Celebrity Swine Flu Fatality

And we all know who gave it to him.

*News forwarded to me via email

Friday, May 01, 2009

He's Got the Moves

Watch Ryan at Rock n Roll night at school.

He is in between two friends whose dad is filming. I'm sure he was trying to film his boys, but Ryan was into it with Power Ranger infused moves.
