Oh boy. I am overwhelmed at work with too much to do. I feel that I don't have time to teach because I have too many issues to deal with and other responsibilities. Enough of that.
I don't believe that I ever posted about Lydia's other commercials and Ryan's print shoot. They were all before the holidays. Lydia did a Little Tykes water slide commercial. Haven't seen it, but it was fun to watch them shoot. She did an especially good job when she and another boy were chosen to have buckets of water dumped on their faces from above as they looked up into the bucket. The Director was trying to not have them flinch around the 10th time as they began to anticipate the freezing bucket of water dumped up their noses, so he started telling them, "We aren't going to really dump it this time, just look up." Of course, he dumped it on them. They fell for that 2 times before they caught on. At the end of the day, a bug flew into Lydia's eye and she freaked out. Luckily it was the end, but she was traumatized by the bug. She was ridiculously dramatic about it, but I vaguely remember sprinting crazily in and out of my house for a couple of years around 2nd and 3rd grade because there were some plants around the front door that the bees liked. Here is the group of kids who were in the commercial. They let them warm up in the hot tub at one point.

A couple of weeks later, Lydia did a Born Doll commerical that will probably be seen mostly in Europe. She and another little girl worked hard all day, but had a fun time. Amazing all they do for 1-3 minutes of finished product. On the same day, Ryan did an OshKosh/Carters print shoot. Very exciting. Neither Joel or I had cameras for any of it. We are slackers. Another mom emailed some photos. Strangely, Lydia is most excited by the food selection all day. Hmmm.
I plan on doing some Christmas posting, but 1st things first. Do you know what this is?

Lydia spent the night with a friend Friday night...a very clean friend, I might add. The mom called Sunday night to say her daughter had lice. After very close inspection, I found one on Lydia's head and then we stayed up until 11:00pm doing the treatment, combing through the hair, washing everything washable in the house. It was a personal nightmare. I found nothing on Ryan, thank goodness. I took us all into the school nurses office Monday morning and she checked all of us. We are clear, but I'm still checking Lydia daily and I have to treat her next week, too. I'm also washing sheets every night for a week. Thank goodness the friend's mom caught it when she did. The friend has very thick hair that was hard to go through and her sister had it, too. The sister was like Lydia, though, and it looked like the little bug had just recently moved in. We can only assume it came from school. Ugh.
Here is a miscellaneous picture of the kids working in the yard. Their yard work gear is very interesting.